CT Logs, Subdomain Enumeration, and Every Vercel App

0 readsUpdated Jan 26, 2025
I've always been captivated by Vercel's core magic value proposition: making deployment disappear. Push you code to Github and moments later it's live on the internet. This abstraction is super powerful and it lowers the barrier to how quickly we can bring ideas to life. One of the consequences of this though, is that many developers, myself included, have accumulated dozens of projects over the years that live on forgotten at their vercel.app domains. While other users' projects are not visible on Vercel, they are inherently visible on the public internet.

What if there was a way to easily browse other people's Vercel apps?

How can I find every "vercel.app" domain on the internet?

These questions led me down a rabbit hole of Certificate Transparency logs, TLS, and ultimately the creation of almostevery.vercel.app.

HTTPS and CT Logs

On today's internet, HTTPS encryption is so ubiquitous that that you rarely, if ever, encounter a webpage hosted on HTTP. This wasn't always the case, however. As recently as 2015, more than 50% of Google Chrome traffic was served over unsecure HTTP. HTTPS Usage, asymptotically approaching 100% from ~50% in 2015

Widespread adoption of HTTPS was driven by several converging factors. Browsers began marking HTTP sites as insecure and Google started to favor HTTPS in search rankings. Meanwhile, cloud services and companies like Let's Encrypt began to streamline the TLS certificate setup and renewal process. These forces, coupled with growing privacy concerns after Snowden's disclosures, transformed HTTPS from a special feature for credit cards and authentication to the default standard for the internet.

One of the lesser known catalysts of this transformation was Certificate Transparency logs. CT logs were established by Google in 2013 and formalized in RFC 6962. The premise of CT logs is that TLS certificates should be public and append-only to allow for better visibility and auditing. Before CT logs, certificate authorities were often the target of cybercriminals looking to issue fradulent public key certificates in order to maliciously intercept traffic. With CT logs, a fradulent certificate will be publicly visible and quickly identified.

While this transparency has massively improved internet security, it has created an interesting side effect: every certificate becomes part of the public record. With the proliferation of automated hosting platforms, like Vercel, this means application footprints are often more visible than people might realize.

How CT logs work

CT Log Ecosystem

At a high level, there are three main actors in the Certificate Transparency space:

  • Logs: Cryptographic record of certificates, maintained by providers like Google, Cloudflare, and Let's Encrypt
  • Monitors: Services that ingest CT logs and provide access to CT log data, ran by companies and organizations like crt.sh, facebook, and Censys
  • User Agents: Web browsers that check CT logs during TLS handshakes, including Chrome, Safari and Brave
When a domain owner requests a TLS certificate from a Certificate Authority, the CA submits the certificate to a log. The log responds with a signed certificate timestamp (SCT), which is a promise to add the certificate to the log within a certain amount of time, typically 24 hours. CAs add the SCTs to the certificate for the domain owner, and the SCTs are part of the TLS handshake when a user visits the domain using https. Today, Chrome and Safari require at least two SCTs from different CT logs for HTTPS connections.

Today, this entire process is usually abstracted away from end application developers, especially with hosting platforms like Vercel.

For a more detailed breakdown on how CT logs work, I recommend reading

Finding Every vercel.app

For my use case, I'm effectively doing a point-in-time audit of all the certificates for vercel.app domains, so I went to CT log monitors.


I decided to start with crt.sh, which is an open source CT log monitor that provides a web UI and a public read-only DB. The website allows you to run searches and see the SQL queries that are being executed. For example, when I search for *.vercel.app:
WITH ci AS ( SELECT min(sub.CERTIFICATE_ID) ID, min(sub.ISSUER_CA_ID) ISSUER_CA_ID, array_agg(DISTINCT sub.NAME_VALUE) NAME_VALUES, x509_commonName(sub.CERTIFICATE) COMMON_NAME, x509_notBefore(sub.CERTIFICATE) NOT_BEFORE, x509_notAfter(sub.CERTIFICATE) NOT_AFTER, encode(x509_serialNumber(sub.CERTIFICATE), 'hex') SERIAL_NUMBER, count(sub.CERTIFICATE_ID)::bigint RESULT_COUNT FROM (SELECT cai.* FROM certificate_and_identities cai WHERE plainto_tsquery('certwatch', $1) @@ identities(cai.CERTIFICATE) AND cai.NAME_VALUE ILIKE ('%' || $1 || '%') LIMIT 10000 ) sub GROUP BY sub.CERTIFICATE ) SELECT ci.ISSUER_CA_ID, ca.NAME ISSUER_NAME, ci.COMMON_NAME, array_to_string(ci.NAME_VALUES, chr(10)) NAME_VALUE, ci.ID ID, le.ENTRY_TIMESTAMP, ci.NOT_BEFORE, ci.NOT_AFTER, ci.SERIAL_NUMBER, ci.RESULT_COUNT FROM ci LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT min(ctle.ENTRY_TIMESTAMP) ENTRY_TIMESTAMP FROM ct_log_entry ctle WHERE ctle.CERTIFICATE_ID = ci.ID ) le ON TRUE, ca WHERE ci.ISSUER_CA_ID = ca.ID ORDER BY le.ENTRY_TIMESTAMP DESC NULLS LAST;

One of the drawbacks of crt.sh is that the results are limited to 10,000 items. If you search for something with more than 10,000 results, you get the following error message:

Sorry, your search results have been truncated. It is not currently possible to sort and paginate large result sets efficiently, so only a random subset is shown below.

For more advanced queries and larger scale data collection, crt.sh provides some public read only replicas of their DB. Anyone can connect using:

psql -h crt.sh -p 5432 -U guest certwatch
I tried running some larger queries directly against the DB, but after running into a variety of timeouts and read transaction conflicts, I decided it would be easier (and more friendly to the servers) to run an extraction script. I reused the query above, with an offset to paginate through results, a retry loop to handle failures, and some output checkpoints so I could resume the script if needed. The full script I used is available on Github here. I ran this overnight, and, after scanning 2 million records, I ended up with 664,497 unique domains.
Updated January 26, 2025
I realized my initial filtering of the 2 million results failed to account for some duplicate rows where the domain string was prepended with "*.", or included some additional characters that were not properly filtered. The raw output from my crt.sh extraction script had many rows with missing fields and newline characters that my initial filtering did not identify. After refining the filtering, I was left with 384,481 unique vercel.app domains from crt.sh


I wanted to cross reference these results with another CT log monitor. I decided to use Merklemap, which provides an API to search for subdomains using CT logs. I ran a simple script to paginate through all the results for *.vercel.app from the Merklemap API, and, interestingly, I was left with only 228,467 unique domains. The script is available on Github here.
Updated January 26, 2025
When I ran my script to paginate through the Merklemap API, I originally ended up with a CSV with ~554,000 results. When I filtered these results for unique domains, I took the set of unique values for the `subject_common_name` field to get ~228,000 unique results. It turns out that there is a many to one relationship for the `subject_common_name` to `hostname` mapping. When I take the set of unique results for the `hostname` field, I end up with 510,520 unique vercel.app domains from Merklemap.

Source of Truth?

The significant difference in results between these two CT log monitors highlights an important limitation: monitors are not a perfect source of truth. While the logs themselves are append-only and cryptographically verifiable, the monitors that aggregate and index the data have their own limitations. I explored several other CT log monitors and found similar limitations for larger scale audits.

Facebook, for example, offers a CT log monitor tool, but this is also limited to 10,000 results. I found a support case from 2021 raising this issue with the internal team at Meta, and it was essentially dismissed. I tried using the Censys search feature for all certificates under *.vercel.app, and I got the following error message:
The query could not be executed in a reasonable time and has been aborted. See documentation on using the Censys Search Language.

Other CT log monitoring tools from companies like Cloudflare, Digicert, and Entrust are designed for their customers to monitor their own domains, rather than providing general access to certificate data at scale.

This makes sense, given that CT logs are massive, often with 100s of millions of certificates. It's expensive and operationally complex to maintain these monitors at scale. Not to mention the technical challenges of ingesting CT logs from a variety of providers, handling network errors gracefully, and providing this data in a highly available production system.

Perhaps there's an opportunity for a more complete monitor designed for larger point-in-time audits instead of continuous monitoring.

Updated January 26, 2025
The differences between my findings from crt.sh and Merklemap highlight key challenges in Certificate Transparency log monitoring. While CT logs are publicly accessible, conducting comprehensive point-in-time audits remains complex due to data availability and consistency issues. For instance, many of my own vercel.app domains are absent from these monitoring tools, likely due to gaps in historical CT log data ingestion. According to Merklemap's team, their complete historical data ingestion will conclude in February 2025, presenting an opportunity to revisit and expand this analysis.

Building almostevery.vercel.app

After trying out several different CT log monitors, I decided to cut my losses and go with the domains I collected from crt.sh and Merklemap. I took the set union of the domains from the two monitors and ended up with a text file of ~500,000 unique domains. I then built a basic Next app inspired by everyuuid.com, and pushed the page to Github here.

Why Almost Every?

With these results, I accepted that public CT log monitors alone are not sufficient to find every "vercel.app". For this reason–and because every.vercel.app is taken–I decided to name my project "almostevery". Note that while these domains are discoverable through public CT logs, I intentionally chose not to check which domains are currently active to respect Vercel's terms of service.

What Next?

Perhaps Vercel should run with this idea and build a feature for users to explore other Vercel apps. This could be a fun feature for the dev community to explore other projects out there that likely wouldn't be discovered otherwise.

Regardless, almostevery.vercel.app should serve as a reminder that everytime we use HTTPS for our webpages, we are opting into a system of Certificate Transparency for all our domains and subdomains. While they may not always be easy to find, they are permanently documented and discoverable on the public internet. This transparency ultimately helps make the web more secure by ensuring certificates can be monitored and verified by everyone.